More adults and children are getting clear braces as a trend to fix teeth increases in Australia.

Gone are the days when teenagers used to dread if they were told to wear braces. But today it seems parents are struggling to hold their children back from the orthodontist’s chair and surprisingly adults are joining in as well, flocking to fix their crooked smiles.

Orthodontists have given the credit to the new technology like clear braces, which has made orthodontic work a more subtle and faster process. The treatment can help you achieve the smile that you have always wanted.

Here are some of the reasons why this orthodontic treatment is so popular and right for you:


Clear braces are virtually invisible; in fact, most people will not even notice that you are wearing one.

For adults, clear braces allow them to avoid the negative stigma that comes from having metal braces in the mouth. For young wearers, metal braces become a source of embarrassment due to how they are viewed, treated and teased by their peers. The invisible aligners remove all of these issues and still straighten teeth.


The main advantage of Invisalign clear braces over metal braces is that they are comfortable to wear.

Metal braces tend to become painful over time and with ongoing adjustments, they sometimes become a distraction because of occasional pain. Invisalign may cause minor discomfort as teeth move into proper position, but are far more comfortable and effective.


Orthodontic clear braces are removable, which you can eat and drink what you want during treatment as well as brush and floss normally.

Invisalign aligners are trays that are fitted to be worn on your teeth over a period of time. You receive a series of trays over the course of your treatment. You can remove them at any time. Conversely, metal braces are installed and remain in place until they are removed by an orthodontist.


Oral health is significantly improved with the use of Orthodontic clear braces because you can remove the Invisalign trays whenever you wish.

With metal braces, keeping your teeth clean can become a major chore. Plus, the incidence of tooth decay and other oral infections is higher with metal braces. This is not an issue with Invisalign products.

Boosted Confidence

As the trend of smiling selfies continues, the journey to picture perfect teeth begins with a trip to the dentist, all thanks to clear braces.

Straightening your teeth is a surprising method you can improve the way you feel about your appearance. There’s no need to feel ashamed of that ‘unwanted’ gap anymore. With almost invisible braces you’ll be able to smile for a camera without holding back.

In Conclusion

Invisalign clear braces are clearly the best orthodontic treatment as they realign your teeth easily, painlessly, are virtually invisible and are simple to use and clean. All you have to do is contact the dental professionals at Tooth Booth for your appointment to discuss if these orthodontic clear braces are right for you.

Once you and our Dentist establish Invisalign or ClearCorrect is the right treatment option for you, your treatment will get started.